
iPhone adalah jajaran telepon pintar yang dirancang dan dipasarkan oleh Apple Inc. iPhone menggunakan sistem operasi telepon genggam iOS Apple yang dikenal dengan nama "iPhone OS" sampai pertengahan 2010, sesaat setelah peluncuran iPad. iPhone pertama diluncurkan tanggal 29 Juni 2007;[14] iPhone terbaru, yaitu iPhone 5 generasi keenam, diluncurkan tanggal 21 September 2012.[15] Antarmuka penggunanya dikembangkan secara menyeluruh di layar multisentuhnya, termasuk sebuah papan ketik virtual. iPhone memiliki konektivitas Wi-Fi dan seluler (2G, 3G dan 4G).
iPhone dapat merekam video (meski tidak dijadikan fitur standar sampai iPhone 3GS), mengambil foto, memutar musik, mengirim dan menerima surel, menjelajah web, mengirim SMS, dan menerima surat suara visual. Sejumlah fungsi lain—permainan, referensi, navigasi GPS, jejaring sosial, dll.—dapat diaktifkan dengan mengunduh aplikasi; pada 2012, App Store menawarkan lebih dari 700.000 aplikasi buatan Apple dan pengembang pihak ketiga.[16]
Ada enam generasi model iPhone, masing-masing dilengkapi satu dari enam versi iOS yang terseida. iPhone pertama berupa telepon Pita frekuensi GSM dan menjadi perintis desain produk-produk selanjutnya; ukuran layar dan penempatan tombolnya tidak berubah di seluruh jajaran produknya.iPhone 3G dilengkapi kemampuan jaringan seluler 3G dan lokasi A-GPS. iPhone 3GS dilengkapi prosesor yang lebih cepat dan kamera beresolusi tinggi yang dapat merekam video beresolusi 480p. iPhone 4 dilengkapi "retina display" 960 × 640, sebuah kamera belakang beresolusi tinggi dan sebuah kamera depan beresolusi rendah untuk panggilan video dan aplikasi lain.[17] iPhone 4S dilengkapi kamera 8-megapiksel dengan kemampuan merekam video beresolusi 1080p, prosesor inti ganda, dan sistem kendali suara bahasa alami bernama Siri.[18][19][20] iPhone 5 dilengkapi prosesor A6 baru, layar Retina 4-inci yang lebih besar daripada layar 3,5-inci di iPhone versi sebelumnya, dan menggantikan konektor 30 pin dengan konektor digital Lightning.
Selama beberapa tahun, Apple dan pabrik kontrakannya, Foxconn, menuai banyak kritik akibat kondisi kerja yang buruk di pabrik perakitannya di Cina
Source: Wikipedia
iPhone 5S

here's a video of fairy tail for a refreshment. copyright to the owner. i do not own the video.
i think this is sort of advertisement ^^ i want you to know about anime more and more. So do watch it! Thanks.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Sophisticated Technology


As you know, Nowadays people always use many kinds of technology. Which are handphone, computer, laptop,etc.
        Why do people choose the new technology compare with the old one? 
Nowadays technology is getting more and more sophisticated. Let's have a flashback, in the old era, mostly people use a letter to send a message, but, how about now? Most people don't use any letters to send a message, There's a handphone to send a message in a short time.

The positive effects of having those technology?

first, people can do some works with an effective time.
second, people can make friends without being shy 
 example: we can make friends on facebook in whatever country. Nah~ if it's successed, we have many friends even if we dont see each other in real life.
third. well yeah actually i can say that there are so many benefits in having modern technology, so find the befenits by yourself. Lol xD

The bad effects of having those technology?

first, most people will forget their time, they spend too much time in doing something with these new technology.
second, people will get lazier and lazier because they think they can do everything with technology
  example: students in school, mostly when there are some summary or notes to write, student relies on handout --> they will prefer a note that outprinted to a handwrite note.
Anyway just find the other bad effects by yourself because im lazy to write xD (Its not pretty important right? :D)

      There are so many kinds of handphones. The hottest new right now is The blacberry team did a cooperation with some other kinds of handphones. Right now If you buy an IPhone or maybe Samsung, There's a Blackberry Messenger in it. Also Introducing the new application, there are LINE from Japan, WeChat, etc. We can say that we should buy some pulse if we ran out of it. Because without any pulse, we cannot send any message. But, because of Those applications, we can send it freely, even we can have a chat with some foreigners from other countries.
Here's some example for Blackberry Phone~
p.s: I don't give you all kinds of blackberry phones, because there are to many of it, i will make a very very short summary. Obviously Each Kind of blackberry have a different price.

Technology. Template Design By: SkinCorner